The Mexican Gray Wolf

(Canis lupus baileyi)

Description: A small gray wolf
Range: The historical geographical range in the U.S. includes central and southeastern Arizona, southern New Mexico, and western Texas. In Mexico, the wolf was found in the Sierra Madre and adjoining highlands. The present geographical range is uncertain. The presence of Mexican wolves has not been confirmed in the U.S. since the early 1970's and in Mexico since the early 1980's. Unconfirmed reports persist from Durango, Chihuahua, Zacatocas, Sonora, Arizona, and New Mexico. Surveys are underway.
Habitat: Their habitat includes oak woodland, pine/oak woodland, or pine forest with adjacent grassland within mountainous terrain. Free water must be available.
Diet: Their principal natural prey is deer.
Social Organization: Basic ecology is thought to be similar to that of other gray wolves. Some biologists speculate that pack sizes were smaller. The only scientific data available were collected on a nearly extinct and persecuted, stock-killing population.
Reference: Species Survival Plan - Fact Sheet

Photo © 1996 American Zoo and Aquarium Association

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