Applied Science & Engineering
for Middle School Girls
Conducted by Women Scientists & Engineers
- Girls consistently match or surpass boys' achievements in science and mathematics as
measured by scholastic aptitude tests, achievements tests, and classroom grades. (The
National Science Foundation. Women, Minorities, and People with Disabilities in Science and
Engineering: 1994. NSF 94-333, 1994.)
- 34% of high school aged girls reported being advised by a faculty member not to take
senior math. (The National Science Foundation. Women, Minorities, and People with
Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 1994. NSF 94-333, 1994.)
- Nearly 75% of tomorrow's jobs will require use of computers; fewer than 33% of
participants in computer courses and related activities are girls. (US Labor Statistics: JOBS
- Only 16% of scientists, 6% of engineers and 4% of computer scientists in the U.S. are
women. (Pearl, Pollack, Riskin, Thomas, Wolf, and Wu. "Becoming a Computer
Scientist."Communications of the ACM. Vol. 33, No. 11, November, 1990.)
Better Education for Women in Science & Engineering |
SWE, San Diego County Section Chartered in 1982
Part of the Society of Women Engineers Mission is to ". . . encourage young women to
pursue careers in engineering and the sciences" and to " inform parents, teachers, counselors, and
the community of the opportunities available to women in engineering."
San Diego Science Alliance Formed in 1994
to ". . . identify extra-curricula programs that promote science education in San Diego County"
and disseminate this information to teachers and students.
SDSA BEWiSE Steering Committee Organized in 1998
to conduct
workshops in science and engineering for girls.
Academy of Engineering
Top Twenty Engineering Impacs of the
20th Century
(from Diversity Careers in Engineering and Information Technology
Magazine, April-May 2000)
- Electrification
- Automobiles
(existed in the 19th century, but not common until the 20th century)
Safe and abundant water
Radio and television
Agricultural mechanization
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
Interstate highways
Space exploration
The Internet
Imaging technologies
Household appliances
Health technologies
Petroleum and gas technologies
Laser and fiber optics
Nuclear technologies
High-performance materials
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