BEWiSE Oceans of Life Overnight II
5 May 2000 SeaWorld San Diego
Preliminaries - The Program's Second Year Second Overnight:
This is to be our first event at a "for profit" organization, Sea World.
Planning - Determining the details: Much would be the same as
at Birch Aquarium. We will sleep in the Manatee Exhibit.
Finalizing - Setting the schedule:
* Workshop Speakers would be:
Judith Swift, Sea World, on her career and on Stranding Biology
Rindi Anderson, Research Biologist at Hubbs-SeaWorld Reaserch Institute, on Marine
Bio-acoustics and how scientists use sounds to identfy individual animals for scientific research in
our world's oceans.
Danielle Oki, Education Manager at SeaWorld, Insulation and Toxic Tissues
Michael Tucker, Manager, Water Quality Dept. at SeaWorld, on Preparing Ocean Water for
Use at Seaworld.
Dr. Judy St. Leger, SeaWorld Veterinarian, on Studying Sea Animals of Enormous Size
We will, again, have T-shirt Fish Printing as a late evening activity.
Literacy Component: For this event the book(s) were
Under the Sea, The Nature Company Discoveries Library, Time Life Books;
Writing about Science by Joy Frestedt, Anne Weber-Main, and Kimerly Wilcox, A
publication of Graduate Women in Science and donated by them
Also: Students all got folders full of info. Nametags were
made. Lanyards for the nametags were reordered.
Feedback: Here are some survey responses:
Question: What was your favorite part of the program?
Going to see the killer whales (5 said this)
Talking to the Sea World vet
At night with the manatees (5 said this)
Going to the different speakers and learning what they do to help or learn about the animals
I loved all of it!
Being able to watch the Orcas swim
When we got to act out the rescue
The workshop where we listened to the sounds (3 said this)
I thought the workshops were great and I loved seeing and being around all the animals
The stations (2 said this)
When we were "sleeping"
Animal rescue skit (3 said this)
When we stayed up late and watched the manatees (2 said this)
Walking around the park
Question: Do you think a career in science is a possibility for you?
YES: 27 -- NO: 1 -- MAYBE: 4 -- I don't know: 1
Yes, because it was a learning experience
I do not know
Yes, I hope to be a marine biologist and work with whales, or become a veterinarian
Yes, it was a very interesting experience
Yes, I want to be an orca trainer
It's possible but I rally want to be a lawyer
Question: Would you recommend the program to a friend? Why or why not?
Yes, because it was a learning experience
Yes, it was a very interesting experience
Yes, it was fun sleeping by the manatees, learning about sea life
It's fun and a privilege . it sets goals for us.
Yes. I really had a good time and learned a lot.
Yes, because I think they would enjoy it.
Yes and no. I would because it is fun, and a good learning experience. I wouldn't because
my friends hate science.
Yes. It is fun and educational. You make a lot of new friends.
Yes, it is fun and you learn about science.
Yes, because we learned a lot and still had fun
Yes, I would because it is fun and you learn lots of stuff
Yes, because I had a great time
Yes, it was fun and educational
Yes, because I had fun, it was well organized and I met new people
You have a lot of fun, but at the same time learning
Yes, I was greatly interested in the topics and discussions
Yes, I would recommend it to a friend, because it's exciting and fun to be with other people.
Yes, because I think it is a great program
Question: Any additional comments or suggestions?
Thank you for the opportunity!!
Maybe people could see more of the animals
Good job BE WiSE!
You're so awesome!
Sleep with a more interesting mammal
Pictures in the morning? That's scary! But besides that, I loved it. Thank you!
I really enjoyed this and hope to go to another one.