Day in the Field
23 Oct 1999
Mission Trails Regional Park

 Water Bugs

Preliminaries: The first BEWiSE Reunion Our BEWiSE program is set-up to conduct two overnights every spring where a new set of girls will be screened and selected. Then we will have at least one reunion day per year where all girls who have taken part in an overnight will be invited.

Planning: Determining the details We decided to have a Science and Engineering Day at Mission Trails Regional Park. "Not just a walk in the park; A day in the field." The girls would be divided into three groups for the day: the poppies, the dragonflies, and the animal tracks. Sue Pelley, Education Ranger, would be our contact person at the park. The girls would be given field guides, field journals, colored pencils, rulers, hand lens, and other items. This time I wanted to make sure that there was a workshop on Engineering.

Finalizing: Setting the schedule
* Workshop Speakers would be:

Literacy Component Initiated: We received a grant to provide, for each event, a copy of a selected book to each student and also to present a copy of this book to the girl's school library from BEWiSE in the girl's name. For this event the book would be Flowering Plants of Santa Monica Mountains.

Also: Students all got folders full of info. Nametags were made. Lanyards for the nametags were reordered.

 Photo A  Photo B  Photo C  Photo D  Photo E

Feedback: Here is a letter received from one student.
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2000
From: Susan Rodgers
Subject: Hello from a Be Wise Student

Dear Mrs. Winter,

Hello, my name is Susan Rodgers. I was one of the students who was lucky enough to take part in the "Who Dunnit" sleepover and the Field day at mission trails. If you do not remember me by name I am the girl on the left in slide 6 from the pictures posted on the web of the Field day at Mission Trails. Looking through those slides made me remember what a great time I had at those outings and what a lucky person I am to have experienced them, considering they have had a major impact on my life.

You may be wondering how they impacted my life so greatly. Well, after the first outing I was inspired to enroll in an engineering class my first semester at Granite Hills High School.That was the greatest thing I ever did . The class has been the most wonderful experience of my entire school year. I have you and all of Be Wise to thank for directing me down the path of engineering . I have more wonderful news though. The class I enrolled in was much more of a commitment than I expected, but I was very willing. The class centers around one main science organization (you may have heard of it). The organazation is Destination Imgaination (formerly known as Odyssey of the Mind). It is a creative problem solving competition internationally involved . If you would like to find out more about it there home page is (the California site is . I was very excited about the competition and worked hard to solve my problem. My problem involved building a structure entirely out of pasta and glue that could hold up to 600 pounds and present it in a skit that showed the relevancy of it. I was placed on a team entirely of boys and had to be strong willed to make sure I got a say in things and was not just overlooked. Be Wise definitaly helped give me this confidence about my skills in science . Anyways, we worked hard and our first competetion was on March 26 where we competed with other schools around the county in the regional tournament . We were successful! We placed first and had the oppurtunity to go on to state . We were all hyped up and knew we had to work hard before the big day came. This weekend was the state competition at UC Davis. It was an exciting day! We put our full effort into it. It was wonderful. The most exhilirating part was sitting at the awards ceremony waiting to hear what place we got. We were all shocked to hear that we had placed first! First in the state! We won and get the opppurtunity to go to the world competition in Ames, Iowa. The worlds competition is May 22-28 . We are all working hard once again to be prepared before that time.

For the competition we have to raise 10,000 dollars to get there . This includes lodging, food, airfare, and other supplies needed for the competition. We have contacted newspapers, T.V. stations, and other businesses asking for donations. As a woman of high standing in the science world I wanted to ask you if you knew of any corporations that would be willing to donate money to help us get to Iowa for the competition. Be Wise has always been a wonderful help and inspiration for me. I have remembered all the wonderful women I have met at the outings...they have helped me to work in an environment where the majority of the students are male (actually I am the only girl in the entire class). Thank you for being such an inspiration. I cannot wait for the next time our happy group gets together .
Respectfully yours,
Susan Rodgers

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